Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 12:23

Activation center (ACEN) 02.80.00 released today.

What's new in this update:

[+] Major changes in code related to license handling.
[+] Added support for different culture information.
[+] New login events.
[+] ID for new programs and orders is now automatically generated.
[*] Minor changes in license management ui for clients.
[!] Few minor bugs fixed.

Monday, January 16, 2012 - 12:25

Activation center (ACEN) 02.70.00 released today.

What's new in this update:

[+] Email templates system.
[+] Email template macros are now publicly available.
[+] New database table: EmailTemplates.
[-] Email subject settings removed from options page.
[-] Old template files are no longer used.
[-] Template directory removed.
[+] Client details: 'Search by email' button added.
[*] Important: change in acen.config file settings.

Friday, December 2, 2011 - 12:26

Activation center (ACEN) 02.60.00 released today.

What's new in this update:

[+] Template selection added to email panel.
[+] Message subject for email template can now include macros.
[-] LogTypes table removed and is no longer required.
[+] Client details: View logs button added.
[+] Passwords for users are now stored as hashes instead of plain text.
[*] Serial numbers blacklist management updated.
[*] New email validation function.
[!] Few minor bugs fixed.