Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 18:14

New build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released. This update is highly recommended for all Activation center users.

What's new:

[+] LicenseAlive acen web service method added.

This method will report standard license as "alive" (active) to ACEN.

Protected application could make this call once a day or as required. Each time this method is called ACEN will save current server date/time to license details (last alive call field).

In this way ACEN administrators can determine if standard license is still in use on remote computer.

Please refer to product manual for detailed information about this web service method.

[+] WebLicensingValidateProgram acen web service method added.

[*] LicenseID value added to result structure. 

AddLicense and UpdateLicense web service methods will now set LicenseID value in result structure to new (standard) license ID in of success.

LicenseID value is required for LicenseAlive web service method.

[*] Web licensing logging is now separate from standard licensing logging.

Web licensing operations can now be separately filtered in audit section.

[*] Failed attempts to use web service are now logged.

[*] IP address value added to Logs table and is no longer stored in log message.

[*] "Host temporarily banned" error is now logged by SYSADM user.

[*] WebLicensingServiceUser (WEBLIC) renamed to WebServiceUser (WEBSRV)

[*] SYSADM and WEBSRV and now system reserved usernames which can not be used for new ACEN users.

[*] Acenservice sample application has been updated.

[!] Few minor UI & bug fixes.

[>] Upgrade script  is available for users upgrading from previous release.


Please refer to whatsnew.txt document for detailed information and upgrade instructions.