PC Guard Software Protection System

New service build for PC Guard Software Protection System has been released today.

What's new in this release:

[+] Added support for py2exe Python 2.7 32bit applications.

py2exe is a Python Distutils extension which converts Python scripts into executable Windows programs, able to run without requiring a Python installation.

Support includes detection and AOM internal overlay encryption.

Advanced overlay management (AOM) and internal overlay encryption are automatically enabled for py2exe applications.

[*] Multiple other fixes and optimizations.

[>] Standard and Web API interface dll modules have been updated!

Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 11:19

Activation center (ACEN) 06.05.0381 is out!


New build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released today.

What's new:

[+] Web API: License/Web license update actions added.

Use these actions to update license (web license) note, features, custom counters and license expiration date (limited license only) for existing active license (web license).

If features, custom counters or expiration date is changed new activation code will be generated.

Both actions require authentication (only administrator users can use these actions).

Please review Swagger documentation for detailed information about these action.

[*] Multiple fixes and optimizations.


No database changes are required for this release.

General upgrading procedure is available here.

Monday, May 13, 2024 - 11:00

Activation center (ACEN) 06.05.0380 is out!


New build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released today.

What's new:

[+] Subscription feature added. (Beta)

If Subscription is enabled in Order settings, Subscription status (valid/expired) will affect license management tasks accordingly to client activation settings.

Subscription feature is supported in out-of-the box implementation of ACEN standard licensing via Web API in PC Guard 06.00.0950 or later version.

Both license activation and license validation tasks will fail in case order Subscription is enabled and expired.

[+] Subscription settings added to Product entity.

Subscription can be enabled/disabled in Product settings.

Default Subscription initial period is set here by setting Years, Months and Days values.

Initial Subscription period for new orders is generated by adding Years, Months and Days.

[+] Subscription settings added to Order entity.

Subscription can also be enabled/disabled in Order settings.

If Subscription is enabled, Subscription expiration date must be set.

Subscription will be automatically enabled for new Orders for products with Subscription enabled and Subscription expiration date will be automatically set accordingly to defined initial Subscription period settings.

[+] Subscription settings added to global Client activation settings.

You can now set rules for license management based on Order Subscription status (valid/expired).

There are now three sections for each license management task (adding, reactivation, removal and transfer) as follows:

1. No Subscription (for Orders with disabled Subscription)
2. Valid Subscription (for Orders with enabled and valid Subscription)
3. Expired Subscription (for Orders with enabled and expired Subscription)

By default, all license management tasks are disabled for orders with enabled and expired Subscription.

These rules are valid for both manual activation and activation by using Web API.


IMPORTANT: Please review and update new Client activation options as required after update!

If you are upgrading from previous version be sure to run included database upgrade script.

General upgrading procedure is available here.

PC Guard Software Protection System

New service build for PC Guard Software Protection System has been released today.

What's new in this release:

[+] Support for ACEN Subscription feature. (Beta)

This feature requires latest version of Activation center (06.05.0380).

Subscription settings are available in both ACEN Product and Order settings.

If Subscription is enabled in Order settings, Subscription status (valid/expired) will affect license management tasks accordingly to client activation settings.

Additionally, both license activation and license validation tasks in out of the box implementation of ACEN standard licensing will fail in case order Subscription is enabled and expired.

[+] "If Subscription is expired" action and exit code options added to ACEN settings.

Available actions:

1. show error & exit (show error message and close application)
2. exit (just close application without displaying error message)

Custom exit code can also be set for subscription expired event. Set exit code to 0 (default) to let protection code set exit code.

[+] ACEN Client ID and Order ID values added to custom buttons action macros.

%ACENCLIENTID% - Currently set ACEN Client ID
%ACENORDERID% - Currently set ACEN Order ID

[*] Multiple other fixes and optimizations.

[>] Standard and Web API interface dll modules have been updated! (06.00.0950)

TIP: Enable "Auto copy required modules" and "Validate output redistributables" system options to be sure that correct redistributable modules are copied automatically to output folder together with protected application.
PC Guard Software Protection System

New service build for PC Guard Software Protection System has been released today.

What's new in this release:

[+] New ACEN related command line options for protected applications.


Use this option to set ACEN Client ID from command line.


Set ACEN Order ID from command line.

-PCG_CL_LICENSE_NOTE [License note]

Set ACEN license note from command line.

All of above options are valid for locked application only as they are used for activation process. They will have no effect if provided from command line after application is activated.
TIP: Activation of licenses with standard licensing model can be automated from command line by using above options in conjunction with PCG_CL_AUTO_ACTIVATE command line option. Both client id and order id has to be set from command line in this case. License note is not mandatory.

[+] Default projects folder option added to System settings.

This folder will be used as starting folder when opening or saving project files.

[*] System settings are now reorganized in to two different sections (General and Notifications)

[+] Added support for PyInstaller 6.x one-folder applications.

PyInstaller 6.x changed the way one-folder bundles are generated. All files except the main executable are now located in a sub-directory (_internal). PC Guard will check for this sub-folder during protection process and will show a warning message if it is not detected.