Monday, January 10, 2022 - 11:24

Activation center (ACEN) 05.00.90 is out!

New build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released today.

activation center screenshot

What's new:

[*] Multiple database changes and optimizations related to custom counters, custom data and custom features.

[*] Custom counters titles (descriptions) can now be edited on both Program and Order level.

Program custom counters are default for Orders and Web licenses (if web licensing is enabled for Program) and Orders custom counters are default for Licenses. Finally, custom counters can be edited in activation panel.

[*] Custom data descriptions can now be edited for each Client and Order.

Default custom data descriptions are still set in administrator interface settings:

[*] Multiple other optimizations and fixes.


If you are upgrading from previous (05.00.80) version be sure to run included database upgrade script.

General upgrading procedure is available here.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 - 21:22

Happy Holidays from SOFPRO!

Happy holidays 2022!

We want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very healthy and happy festive season!

We appreciate your business and we want to thank you for your continued confidence in our products and services and especially for your feedback to help us find ways to improve our service for you.

New PC Guard Software Protection System update has been released. This update is highly recommended for all PC Guard users.

PC Guard Software Protection System

What's new:

[+] Support for Node.js pkg applications.

Added detection of Node.js pkg created applications and special support for standard and overlay encryption. PC Guard will automatically enable advanced overlay management (AOM) feature and internal overlay encryption for these  applications.

[*] Multiple fixes and optimizations.


New build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released today.

activation center screenshot

What's new:

[*] Machine locking control updated.

[*] Flexible machine locking control updated.

[*] Database and server info control redesigned.

[*] AC Generator .NET component updated.

[*] Bootstrap upgraded to latest version.

[*] Auto open appropriate options (options page).

[*] Multiple other minor optimizations and fixes.


No database changes are requires for this release. General upgrading procedure is available here.