Full featured ASP .NET web application for management of Clients, Products (Apps), Orders and Licenses with flexible automated activation system for programs protected with PC Guard Software Protection System family products.

Administrator users can add, modify and delete information about Products, Clients, Orders, Licenses and Web licenses, manage database users, groups and authorization profiles, review audit logs, set activation rules...

Clients can manage their licenses (activate, reactivate, remove and transfer) and personal information 24/7 online. They can also create new accounts and add new orders with valid serial numbers if such feature is enabled.

Each license is identified by Customer, Order and Product and requires valid Client account and Order data in activation center.

Each license is identified by Product and Serial Number pair only. No Client or Order data is required. Single or multiple licenses can be granted per each serial number
Automate management of Clients, Orders, Users, standard and web Licenses by using Web API interface.
Enhanced security, compliance and privacy with all of your important data hosted on your own server.
If you are interested in testing Activation center please request access to online demo version. You will receive login information for both administrator and client interface so you can fully test all available features.