As you are already aware we are going to replace old CODE protection method with new  one (USB protection) from next minor update (05.10.0000).

Here is some basic technical information about USB  protection method:

- In case of USB protection application is locked to single USB drive (flash/HD) and will work on any computer as long as this USB drive is connected to it. USB drive is required for protection process and drive serial number is used for encryption of protected application.

- USB protection is actually an extension of PLAIN protection method. All features available for PLAIN protection (like demo mode or serial numbers) are still available for USB protection with one exception: application protected with USB protection can not be run on computer without USB drive used for locking.

- Protected application will check for required USB driver on startup. If USB drive is present application will obtain decryption keys and start. Error message is displayed otherwise.

- Protected application can also check if USB drive is still attached to computer after program startup (there will be an option to enable/disable this feature). There will also be an option to set checking interval (default: 180 seconds). If USB drive is removed after application is loaded into memory protection code will (display error message and) close protected application.

- Advanced protection interface will also include CheckForUsbDrive() function. In this case application code can handle these checks and change default behavior in case USB drive is removed from computer.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 12:23

Activation center (ACEN) 02.80.00 released today.

What's new in this update:

[+] Major changes in code related to license handling.
[+] Added support for different culture information.
[+] New login events.
[+] ID for new programs and orders is now automatically generated.
[*] Minor changes in license management ui for clients.
[!] Few minor bugs fixed.

Monday, January 16, 2012 - 12:25

Activation center (ACEN) 02.70.00 released today.

What's new in this update:

[+] Email templates system.
[+] Email template macros are now publicly available.
[+] New database table: EmailTemplates.
[-] Email subject settings removed from options page.
[-] Old template files are no longer used.
[-] Template directory removed.
[+] Client details: 'Search by email' button added.
[*] Important: change in acen.config file settings.