Command line interface options for protected application are managed here.

These are command line options for protected applications. If you are looking for PC Guard's command line interface documentation it is located here.

Select option from the list to edit default parameter name and to enable or disable option. By default, all command line options are enabled.

Each command line option is described in detail below.

pc guard: customization: command line


"Restore all" - restore all command line options to default values.

"Restore" - restore current option to default value.

-PCG_CL_SHOWInvoke activation dialog from command line.
-PCG_CL_LOGFILEOverride default log filename and location.
-PCG_CL_ACTFILEOverride default activation filename and location.
-PCG_CL_SRVFILEOverride default server configuration filename and location.
-PCG_CL_SNSet serial number from command line.
-PCG_CL_AUTO_ACTIVATEAuto activate/reactive web license.
-PCG_CL_GET_SITEMIDGet site/mid codes from command line.
-PCG_CL_GET_LANGUAGESet default user interface language.
-PCG_CL_REMOVE_LICENSERemove license for previously activated application from command line.
IMPORTANT: All command line options are case-sensitive!


This option is used for invoking activation dialog from command line during demo mode or after activation. "Special key pop-up" option is ignored in case this option is provided from command line and activation dialog is displayed regardless of special key pop-up keys status.

NOTE: If advanced protection interface with "Application will handle expired demo", "Application will handle expired license" or "Application will handle license management" option(s) is enabled this option will be ignored and activation dialog will not be displayed in appropriate cases (after demo mode expires, after license expires or after activation).


Use this option to override default log filename and location by passing it via command line to protected application.


-PCG_CL_LOGFILE [Full path to log file]


-PCG_CL_LOGFILE C:\test\test.log

-PCG_CL_LOGFILED:\my application data\test.log

Be sure to put full path to log file in quotes in case path contains space characters as in above example. Directory with log file must be present on remote machine and should have appropriate access rights so that protected application can write to log file.


Use this command line option to override default activation filename which is defined in project settings and embedded into protected application.


-PCG_CL_ACTFILE [Full path to activation file]


-PCG_CL_ACTFILE C:\test\license.dat

Protection code will try to load “C:\test\license.dat” activation file.

-PCG_CL_ACTFILED:\my application data\activate.dat

Be sure to put full path to activation filename in quotes in case path contains space characters as in above example.


Default server configuration filename is set in network protection settings (Server configuration file tab). By default, server configuration file should be located in same directory as protected application and protection code will try to load it from there.

Use this option to override default server configuration filename and location by passing full path to server configuration file via command line to protected application.


-PCG_CL_SRVFILE [Full path to server configuration file]


-PCG_CL_SRVFILE C:\test\server.dat

-PCG_CL_SRVFILE “D:\my application data\server.dat”

Be sure to put full path to server configuration file in quotes in case path contains space characters as in above example.

Directory with server configuration file must be present on remote machine and should have appropriate (read) access rights set.


Use this option to set serial number from command line.


-PCG_CL_SN [serial number]


-PCG_CL_SN 1234-1234-12-1234-1234

Serial number can be set for both locked and activated application. In case of activated application existing serial number will be replaced with new one.

If invalid, serial number will be ignored and no error message will be displayed.


If this option is provided from command line protected application will automatically try to activate or reactive ACEN standard/web license without displaying activation dialog box.

TIP: WEB licensing model: Use  -PCG_CL_SN [serial number] command line switch in conjunction with this option to automate activation process from command line. In this way serial number is set from command line and protection code is instructed to activate application without displaying standard activation dialog box.

This command line option can also be used for reactivation of currently locked license after previous license was reset (for whatever reason). In this case original serial number information is still present on remote machine and instead of displaying activation dialog and waiting for end user to click on "Continue" button protection code will automatically try to connect to ACEN and reactivate license. If required, original serial number can also be changed from command line. In this case protection code will try to get new license with new serial number.


Use this option to obtain current site/mid codes from command line from protected application without displaying standard activation dialog.


-PCG_CL_GET_SITEMID > output.txt

This option is valid for applications protected with REMOTE protection method only.

Redirection to output file is mandatory. Site and MID codes will be written to output file in the following format: sitecode:midcode (":" is used as a separator).

Protected application will automatically close after writing site/mid codes to output file.


Use this option to set default user interface language from command line.


-PCG_CL_LANGUAGE [Language name]

Language name is the name of language as set in language editor.




Use this option to remove license for previously activated application from command line.

NOTE: This option will work only if license removal feature is enabled for protected application.